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System Configuration

Set the base system configuration

Initial Setup

When the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance first starts up it greats you with a initial setup screen on the console.
Here the timezone, network settings and root password and can be configured.

System Configuration

Make sure to change the root account it’s password, for security reasons the password is a random generated password that Nomadesk does not know!

The User Creation is optional, when not created a user, a registration page will be shown when going to the installation wizard.

Use this account to log in to the installer when configured here.

Updating interface settings

In normal circumstances the network configuration will already be set from during the installation process.
If needed (example when cloning an existing machine or template) it can still be changed here.

To view/update the IP address click Network & Host Name, the network interfaces will be shown with their current configuration.

To change the settings for the interface, select the interface to change and click Configure in the bottom right.

Configure IP

Go to the IPv4 tab, change the Method to Manual and enter the desired configuration.
Using multiple DNS severs can be done by separating them with a comma.

Configure IP

Once everything has been filled in, click Done in the top right and Finish Configuration on the main screen to finish the setup.